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You’ve made it to my brand new relaunch of my site! Thanks for stopping by! Hit up Comics Coloring for a brief overview of how the magic is done, along with a selection of my colored covers for various publishers. There’s some of My Art here too, and I have more coming soon. I also hand-color individual art pieces as Commissions. Please have a look around and check back often for updates!

Current Projects

Currently coloring MEGALITH, by writer Matt Kindt and artist Lewis LaRosa. Coming out from Bad Idea in 2025!

  • 2025 Conventions

    It’s the 2025 convention season! Come see me at any or all of these shows! Watch for any more updates as we go along.

    April 26-27: Super Jersey Comic Expo, Jackson Township, NJ –

    May 16-18: Motor City Comic Con, Detroit, MI –

    May 31-June 1: Big Lick Comic Con NoVa, Chantilly VA –

    June 20-22: HeroesCon, Charlotte, NC –

    October 17-19: Baltimore Comic Con, Baltimore, MD –

  • Baltimore Con

    Unfortunately, due to lingering Covid, I’ve had to cancel my appearance at Baltimore Comic-Con. I was really hoping to be there not only to meet fans and see friends, but to celebrate the lives of my dear friends John Cassaday and Karl Moline. If you’re attending, have fun and be mindful of Covid; it’s still out there!

  • Interior Pages Posted!

    Since most of my work is interior pages, I’ve added a whole new section just for these, with with descriptions of my thought processes and color choices for the storytelling. Please check it out!