I’ve been coloring comic books since 1995. Right after I got my Bachelors degree for commercial art at the University of Central Florida (go Knights!), I landed my first coloring job as a computer color separator at Wildstorm Studios. I translated hand-colored guides into digital format (Photoshop) on titles like WildC.A.T.s, StormWatch, and Gen13. Soon after, the guides were phased out, and we digital colorists got to spread our creative wings on individual titles. I won the Eisner Award for my work on Planetary and The Authority. In 2000, I left Wildstorm for my first stint as a freelancer for Marvel and DC, and worked on Ultimate-X (Marvel), JLA, and JLA: Heaven’s Ladder. In 2001, CrossGen Comics wooed me away with a salary, where I colored Ruse and Negation and attempted to be a department manager, which did not go well.
In 2004, I went back to freelancing, and I have since colored a staggering number of comic projects. They include but are not limited to: Astonishing X-Men, The Ultimates, Thor, Uncanny Avengers, Stephen King’s The Stand, Avengers Vs. X-Men, Black Panther, and Star Wars (Marvel); Dr. Manhattan, Superman, Wonder Woman (DC Comics); Serenity and Plastic (Dark Horse); Armor Hunters (Valiant); Spawn (Image); and The Rocketeer and Ragnarök (IDW). My current and most recent projects include The Others (CMON Games) and Megalith (Bad Idea).
When I’m not coloring, I’m doing my own arts and crafts, including watercolors, “teeny paintings,” painted glass, and basically any medium that my ADHD brain fixates on for a while. I enjoy hanging out with my awesome husband and cats, hiking, thrifting, upcycling, traveling, collecting unfinished projects and art supplies, pondering the incipient apocalypse, playing various musical instruments poorly, keeping houseplants alive, and anything related to The Big Lebowski. But mostly I like cats.